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Online Courses

Some of the features of the proposed system are:

1. Student Admission
2. Student Fee management
3. Student Attendance Management
4. Staff Attendance Management
5. Staff Payroll Management
6. Library Management
7. User Management

The system COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM can be used to manage the data of all type of educational institutes. It will support both stand alone and also networking environment. The system uses VB. Net Technology. The main modules involved in this system are:

1. Login
2. Forms
3. Reports
4. Window

Module wise description

Login module is used to check whether the user is an authorized person to use the system or not. For this the user should give the correct user name and password.

The different types of users are

1. Admin
2. Student
3. Employee

This module consists of the following sub modules

1. Student Registration Form
2. Student Fee Form
3. Student Marks Form
4. Student ID Form
5. Employee Detail Form
6. Employee Salary Form
7. Employee ID Form
8. Course Detail Form
9. Library Form

This application is a user-friendly tool that encompasses all functions required to create / maintain online course and student information. An instructor can use this tool to manage all courses offered by semester, to create / update / view student information currently enrolled, to calculate grades and to post notes, assignments all in one tool. Students will use this tool to upload/download/view assignments and to view current & estimated grades for the enrolled courses by semesters. This tool facilitates centralization and sharing of course/student data. One of the main features of this tool is, it is not designed for an instructor or course, but at the university level. The main page contains university news and not specific to the courses/instructors/departments. It gets more difficult, if the courses have entirely different format for assignment submissions. The instructors are in similar situation as well, when it comes to offering more than one course per semester. The instructor has to maintain two different web pages and has to post assignments / grades / comments to both the pages. The above problem can be alleviated if a single centralized system is used for maintaining student/course information, upload/download assignments, create/update/view grades.

Hence this project provides a platform for the students as well as the instructors to make their communication easier as well as calculate and view their grades.

The tool acts as a single point of access to both students and Administrator. This eliminates the need for multiple tools and application for course maintenance. This also helps student to forecast their grades to boost their morale. Administrator can also get all the required information about the student within a few clicks. This tool can be used to access and store information for multiple courses, sections and for multiple semesters. The ease of maintenance for the amount of functionality offered makes this a best tool.

FUTURE ENHANCEMENT: This section describes some of the enhancement to this application.

Online Tutorial for Students:
This module will help student maintain their notes based on the lectures and course materials. This will help student to do online reading and taking notes at the same time without moving to different pages or using printed copies of the course materials.

Online Forum
Online forum to post questions between students and instructor.

Process Flow
This section gives a brief overview of various modules and how they integrate and interact with each other.

Authentication and Authorization
The users can be classified into different groups based on their roles. Initially there are two major classes of users; Administrator and Students. Instructors and GA’s (Graduate Assistant) can be assigned to Administrator responsibilities. Students who are enrolled for the current semester and previous semesters will be assigned to Students group.

Each user is assigned a UserID and Password that is validated against the database for authentication. Once authenticated, users are exposed to modules based on the roles assigned to them.

This section gives a brief overview of the salient feature of this application.

Single Point of Access
All modules and their functions can be accessed from this single tool. Students can upload their assignments and also view their current and forecasted grades in the same application. It is a great tool for the Instructor / Administrator who can maintain all the information related to the course(s) in a single tool. Instructor can view both student and course information in the one application without switching back and forth between multiple systems. The instance of the system can be used to access data for multiple courses for multiple semesters.

Motivation to Students
This will be a great tool to the students as this will help them track their grades and also view their forecasted grades. This will help them work hard to achieve their target or rank within the class.

Ease of Maintenance
Though, there are more than a couple of modules in this application, it is the ease of maintenance that stands out of all features. The tool requires minimal information for registration, setting up roles and privileges. Once a student is set up, the student can enroll in other courses offered by the same instructor without registration. This reduces maintenance by a huge percentage.

The tool will be developed using JAVA which has the inbuilt security features. There are a wide variety of security validations that can be incorporate using the technology. As this application displays sensitive data, security becomes vital. Effective Time Management:

As both student and the instructor can access all information within one single application, it saves time for the users.

This section describes some of the challenges to overcome while developing this application

Method of Upload and Storage
Complexity in uploading different type of documents required for assignments, grades and course. Also evaluation of the storage capacity based on the number of students, courses and history needed to be maintained.

Database Design
The number of modules within the application makes it a big challenge to design a database that is efficient. Storage of assignments and course information and the relationship between the two will further increase the complexity.

The Student Registration Form is designed for registering the new students details and course details. The Student Fee Form is used to enter the student’s fee details. The Student Marks Form is designed for submitting the semester or exam marks of the students for a particular course or an individual student. The Student Id Form is used to create the identity number for each student for different course. The Employee details form is designed for entering the staff details and other relevant details . The Employee Id used to create the identity number for each student for different course. The salary form is used to derive the salary for employees. The Course details form is designed for entering the different course available in the campus and other relevant details . The Library module is used for the data process of library and book accessing for students and staffs.

All the above mentioned data are stored in the back end and can be retrieved as reports with filtering options. The Following are the reports can be taken from this system

1. Student Report
2. Employee Report
3. Course Detail Report
4. Book Detail Report
5. Issued Book Report
6. Fee Detail Report
7. Marks Detail Report
8. Generate Pay Slip

college management sysyetm deals with all kind of student details, academic related reports, college details, course details, curriculum, batch details and other resource related details too. It tracks all the details of a student from the day one to the end of his course which can be used for all reporting purpose, tracking of attendance, progress in the course, completed semesters years, coming semester year curriculum details, exam details, project or any other assignment details, final exam result; and all these will be available for future references too.

Our program will have the databases of Courses offered by the college under all levels of graduation or main streams, teacher or faculty's details, batch execution details, students' details in all aspects. This program can facilitate us explore all the activities happening in the college, even we can get to know which teacher / faculty is assigned to which batch, the current status of a batch, attendance percentage of a batch and upcoming requirements of a batch. Different reports and Queries can be generated based of vast options related to students, batch, course, teacher / faculty, exams, semesters, certification and even for the entire college.

The student management system is an automated version of manual Student Management System. It can handle all details about a student. The details include college details, subject details, student personnel details, academic details, exam details etc... In case of manual system they need a lot of time, manpower etc.Here almost all work is computerized. So the accuracy is maintained. Maintaining backup is very easy. It can do with in a few minutes. Our system has two type of accessing modes, administrator and user. Student management system is managed by an administrator. It is the job of the administrator to insert update and monitor the whole process. When a user log in to the system. He would only view details of the student. He can't perform any changes .

College management system

College management system is an integrated web application that handles various academic and non academic activities of a College/Academic Institute. The system can access by every students/faculties/employees of the institution through internet connected computers or internet enabled mobile devices with the aid of his user name and password. Every user will have a customized home page with his/her profile management facilities. Through links that displays in the home page the user can access different options of the website assigned to him.

Though the system allows access to every one there is a significant security risk involved in this project. To tackle this problem we suggest a modular structure in the proposed system and a complete isolation of the financial and administrative modules from the public portal. Only trusted IPs can access these modules. Web services will interact to the financial and administrative modules to fetch necessary information to display in the public portal. Although a standard password policy will be followed in the designing of the system to prevent the possibilities of malicious activities of itching users.

A self driven module in the proposed system will accomplish the automated tasks such as Email Alerts, SMS alerts, Notifications to the administrator etc.

What is JAVA?
Java is an entire programming language resembling C or C++. It takes a sophisticated programmer to create Java code. And it requires a sophisticated programmer to maintain it. With Java, you can create complete applications. Or you can attach a small group of instructions, a Java "applet" that improves your basic HTML. A Java Applet can also cause text to change color when you roll over it. A game, a calendar, a scrolling text banner can all be created with Java Applets. There are sometimes compatibility problems between Java and various browsers, operating systems or computers, and if not written correctly, it can be slow to load. Java is a powerful programming language with excellent security, but you need to be aware of the tradeoffs.

What is JSP?
Short for Java Server Page. A server-side technology, Java Server Pages are an extension to the Java servlet technology that was developed by Sun. JSPs have dynamic scripting capability that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static elements -- the actual design and display of the page -- to help make the HTML more functional(i.e. dynamic database queries). A JSP is translated into Java servlet before being run, and it processes HTTP requests and generates responses like any servlet. However, JSP technology provides a more convenient way to code a servlet. Translation occurs the first time the application is run. A JSP translator is triggered by the .jsp file name extension in a URL. JSPs are fully interoperable with servlets. You can include output from a servlet or forward the output to a servlet, and a servlet can include output from a JSP or forward output to a JSP. JSPs are not restricted to any specific platform or server. It was orignially created as an alternative to Microsoft's ASPs (Active Server Pages). Recently, however, Microsoft has countered JSP technology with its own ASP.NET, part of the .NET initiative.

What is JavaScript?
When new technologies start, they sometimes acquire names that will be confusing in the future. That's the case with JavaScript. JavaScript is not 'Java'. JavaScript is a simple programming language that was developed by Netscape that writes commands to your browser when the HTML page is loaded. Note: you can have compatibility issues with Java Script, especially in newer versions of Browsers.

What is Java?
Java is a simple, distributed object oriented programming language which provides the security, High performance, robustness.
Java is a portable and Architectural neutral language which can be Interpreted.
Java is multithreaded and Dynamic language.

About Java
Java is a Programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java Platform. The language derives much of its Syntax from c and C++ but has a simpler object Model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode(class file) that can run on any Java Virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.

Why Software Developers Choose Java
Java with its versatilty, efficiency, and portability, Java has become invaluable to developers by enabling them to:

• Write software on one platform and run it on virtually any other platform
• Create programs to run within a Web browser and Web services
• Develop server-side applications for online forums, stores, polls, HTML forms processing, and more
• Combine applications or services using the Java language to create highly customized applications or services
• Write powerful and efficient applications for mobile phones, remote processors, low-cost consumer products, and practically any other device with a digital heartbeat.

Goals in creation of Java
There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language

1. It should be "simple, object oriented".
2. It should be "robust and secure".
3. It should be "architecture neutral and portable".
4. It should execute with "high performance".
5. It should be "interpreted, threaded, and dynamic".

Architecture of Java
Java's architecture arises out of four distinct but interrelated technologies: 

• The Java programming language 
• The Java class file format 
• The Java Application Programming Interface 
• The Java virtual machine 

When you write and run a Java program, you are tapping the power of these four technologies. You express the program in source files written in the Java programming language, compile the source to Java class files, and run the class files on a Java virtual machine. When you write your program, you access system resources (such as I/O, for example) by calling methods in the classes that implement the Java Application Programming Interface, or Java API. As your program runs, it fulfills your program's Java API calls by invoking methods in class files that implement the Java API. 

The Java Virtual Machine
At the heart of Java's network-orientation is the Java virtual machine, which supports all three prongs of Java's network-oriented architecture: platform independence, security, and network-mobility. 

A Java virtual machine's main job is to load class files and execute the bytecodes they contain. As you can see in Figure 1-3, the Java virtual machine contains a class loader, which loads class files from both the program and the Java API. Only those class files from the Java API that are actually needed by a running program are loaded into the virtual machine. The bytecodes are executed in an execution engine. 

Coding standard
Java suggests set of coding standard to follow while writing java program. Coding standard helps author as well as others to better understand program. It reduce amount of debugging time considerably. Basically coding standard suggests how to name class, methods variables of different scope, package etc.

Writing a Java program
In the Java programming language, all source code is first written in plain text files ending with the .java extension. Those source files are then compiled into .class files by the javac compiler. A .class file does not contain code that is native to your processor; it instead contains bytecodes — the machine language of the Java Virtual Machine1 (Java VM). The java launcher tool then runs your application with an instance of the Java Virtual Machine.

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